The participation of the Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies (RILS) student community in the National Service Scheme (NSS) reflects a commitment to community service and holistic development. The NSS program, a voluntary initiative in India, is designed to enhance students’ personalities through active involvement in community service.

RILS NSS team has consistently demonstrated its dedication by organizing and participating in various voluntary services annually. Events such as No Tobacco Day and distributing saplings on Environment Day showcase the NSS team’s commitment to social causes. Additionally, their involvement in camps and other government-initiated social service programs underscores their active engagement in community welfare.

Participation in NSS not only enriches students’ understanding of social issues but also instills a sense of social consciousness and responsibility. By actively contributing to societal betterment, RILS NSS members embody the institution’s ethos of producing socially responsible and well-rounded individuals who are committed to making a positive impact in their communities.

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