List of Faculty

Dr. Vinayaka K

Dr. Vinayaka K
DR. VINAYAK K Principal RILS-RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF LEGAL STUDIES Education qualification Bcom 1999 , PES College, Bangalore university , Bangalore. LLB 2002 , CBR National law college , kuvempu university , Shimoga. LLM 2004, PG Department of Law , karnatak university , Dharwad. PGDBA (Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration) 2009 Karnataka state open University Mysore PhD. 2022 “A Study of Insurance Law with Special Reference to Risk of Terrorism” , Kuvempu university, Shimoga. Designation Principal Field of teaching Labour Law, insurance law , CPC, Crpc, IPC, Evidence Act, Human Rights, IPR. Paper Published A Study of terrorism risk insurance in India , vol II, ISSUE -4, April 2021, published in Indian Journal of Applied Research. Comparative Study of Terrorism Risk Insurance in India and USA, Vol 10, issue -4, April 2021,published in Paripex-Indian Journal of Research. Awards / Achievements LLB, 3rd Rank, Kuvempu University.LLM 1ST Rank, karnatak university. LLM Gold Medal karnatak university.
Law Faculty

Mr. AT Bhaskar

Mr. AT Bhaskar
Prof.Bhaskar. AT NAME: A.T.Bhaskar DESIGNATION: Asst-Professor QUALIFICATION:, LL.M,Jd-in-fr. AREA OF SPECILIZATION: Constitutional Law Work Experience: 30 years Workshops/ Seminars: Law in action-a vision for 2020 by BMS College. Corporate social responsibility 2014 Faculty improvement Programme 2012 Awards / Achievements Taught the most backward students.

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor
Mrs.Lalana Kumari.K.S has 15+ years of experience in teaching in various renowned universities. She has started her career as a lecturer at Kurunji Venkatramana Gowda Law College,Sullia D.K District. In 2003. She has taught Law of Contracts, Indian Penal Code, Law of Torts, Constitutional law, Mohammaden Law, Public International Law, Law of Taxation, Criminal Procedures code, Insurance law, Human rights, Land law, Victimology and Penology, Interpretation of statutes, Environmental Laws, Law and Medicine, Legal language and Legal writing, She also handled Practical Clinical Courses. And she was a Coordinator of Patel Legal Services clinics in the previous college. She has published a paper on Criminal Justice System in Green Crime, Multidisciplinary journal of Science and Management, Vol.1 2021. Education She has completed her B.A.L, LL.B from Mangalore University in 2001 LL.M from Bangalore University in 2003. Internship cum Training in Domain 'Techno Legal Aspects of Evidence ' at Clue 4 Evidence Forensic Lab. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D from Presidency University.

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor
Prof. Agnes Priscilla NAME: AGNES PRISCILLA Educational Qualification: B.A. LL.B., LL.M. in Business Law Designation Assistant Professor Field of Teaching Human Rights, Jurisprudence, CPC, Law of Torts, Banking Law, Company Law, Environmental Law Experience: 5 years AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS • Attended various Faculty Development Programmes in KLE Law Collge, REVA University Publications • Climate Change in BMS Law College Journal • Women Empowerment in HTML Journal • Secularism in Black and White Law Journal Conferences • Human Rights Conference, BMS Law College • Right to Education, NLSIU, Bangalore

Mrs. Anushmita Pramanik
Assistant Professor

Mrs. Anushmita Pramanik
Assistant Professor
I have completed my BA.L.L. B (Hons) from University of Allahabad from 2009-2014. Post that I pursued my LL.M degree from Calcutta University from 2014-2016. Work Experience: • I have worked in Ambedkar College of Law, Bengaluru from August’17- July’20. • I have worked in Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies, Bengaluru from March’21 to November‘22 as an Assistant Professor of Law. • Worked in BMS College of Law from November 24 to March 31st. Achievement: I have qualified SLET in the year 2020 and UGC-NET in the year 2021. I have published one article on the topic, “A Shift from Competitive Federalism to Co-operative Federalism”. I have presented paper on two national and one international seminars on the below topics: 1. “Contemporary Issues of Women and the Law” Organized by Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi. 2. “Environmental Challenges in the 21st Century” Organized by Army Institute of Law, Mohali. 3. “Environmental Resource Management” Organized by Center for Regulatory Studies Governance and Public Policy under the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata.

Ms. Anusree S
Assistant Professor

Ms. Anusree S
Assistant Professor
Name: Anusree s Profile of Faculty: Assistant Professor Education Qualification: BBA LLB (Hons) , LLM , currently Pursuing PhD Field of Teaching: Constitutional Law, Labour Law, IPC, Intellectual Property Rights Experience: have worked in corporate sector and immigration sector Awards / Achievements: have published and presented many papers and won prize in all India level moot court competition, model United Nations

Ms. Karthika
Assistant Professor

Ms. Karthika
Assistant Professor
Pre - Law Faculty

Mr. Nagesh Sharma.K

Mr. Nagesh Sharma.K
Prof.Nagaesh Sharma • Name: NAGESHA SHARMA.K • Email: [email protected] • Tel: 7259275635 • Qualification: M.A,M.Phil • Area of Specialization: Economics • Work Experience: 26 Years • Paper Presentation and Publications: NIL • Workshops and Seminars: • Events organized: NIL • Courses Handled: PUC to PG including Law, CA & CS • Awards/Achievements Being considered for fast track growth within the society for quick adaptation to work personal initiative. Entrusted with supervisory responsibility for a self-driven team of the projects with the team members with minimal managerial intervention Involved extensively guiding student projects as a project guide for degree students since 2002. Given below is the list of projects involved and successfully completed: Role of Public Finance in India Role of Commercial Banks with special reference to R.B.I. Environment Pollution and Economic Development Seminars Attended

Mrs. S. Rajeswari
Assistant Professor

Mrs. S. Rajeswari
Assistant Professor
NAME: S. RAJESWARIQULIFICATION: M.A., MPhil(Sociology), MBA(HR) E-MAIL ID: [email protected] Work Experience Worked as Teaching faculty in Sri Jagadguru Renukacharya College from 2005 to 2009 (5 years) Worked as Teaching faculty in Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women from 2011 to 2016 (5 years) Working as Teaching faculty in Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies from 2019 February till date. Attended National Conference on “Women in Contemporary Society” organized by Ramaiah Institute Of Legal Studies. As Resource Person to SJRC Law College – Lecture on Recent Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology.

Dr. Pradeep.S
Assistant Professor

Dr. Pradeep.S
Assistant Professor
Dr.Pradeep.S Profile: Education Qualification: MBA. PGDMM (M.Com) Ph.D. Field of Teaching: Management Studies Management and Organizational Behaviour Management Information System Consumer Behaviour Management and Entrepreneurship Performance Management & Competency Mapping Integrated Marketing Communication Human Resource Management International HRM Recruitment and Selection Strategic Talent Management Experience: 12 Years of Experience in Academics and 3 years incorporate sector From 2018 till date working as Assistant professor at M S Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies, Bangalore Worked as Assistant Professor in Sai Vidya Institute of Technology from January 2011 to December 2016 Corporate: Worked as Sales Head from 1stJanuary 2017 to 20th February 2018 at Value point properties, Bangalore. Education Qualification: MBA. PGDMM (M.Com) Ph.D. Field of Teaching: Management Studies Management and Organizational Behaviour Management Information System Consumer Behaviour Management and Entrepreneurship Performance Management & Competency Mapping Integrated Marketing Communication Human Resource Management International HRM Recruitment and Selection Strategic Talent Management Experience: 12 Years of Experience in Academics and 3 years in corporate sector From 2018 till date working as Assistant professor at M S Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies, Bangalore Worked as Assistant Professor in Sai Vidya Institute of Technology from January 2011 to December2016Corporate: Worked as Sales Head from 1stJanuary 2017 to 20th February 2018 at Value point properties, Bangalore.

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor
NAME: Mr.ASHOK .B QULIFICATION: B.COM, M.COM,NET, K-SET E-MAIL ID:[email protected] AREA OF SEPCIAIZATION: ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Working as faculty in Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies since from 2018 (5years) Conference Attended • National Conference on Impact of Central Government ‘S Recent Policies on Indian Economy organized by Tumakur University. • National Conference on “Innovative Strategies for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Economic Development: Opportunities and Challenges” organized by Tumakur University. • National Conference on “Women in Contemporary Society” organized by Ramaiah Institute Of Legal Studies.

Nagashree S
Physical Education Director

Nagashree S
Physical Education Director
Guest Faculty

Dr. Balasubramanyam
Assistant Professor

Dr. Balasubramanyam
Assistant Professor
Academic Qualifications:
1) S.S.L.C: Hemambika Sanskrit High School, Palakkad, Kerala
2) P.U.C: Christ College, Bangalore
3) B.A: St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore
4) M.A.(Political Science): Bangalore University
5) LL.B: Bangalore University
6) M.Phil: Madurai Kamaraj University
7) M.B.A: S.S.University, Delhi
8) Awarded Doctorate from University of Delhi.
Professional Experience:
Worked as a Lecturer, Professor and Principal in various Aided and Government Colleges of Karnataka for 34 Years (Both Post Graduate and Under Graduate programs)
1) Dr. Ambedkar First Grade College, Bangalore.
2) National College, Gowribidanur.
3) Government First Grade College, Jayanagar.
4) Government First Grade Collge, Hoskote.
5) Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College, Bangalore.
Worked as Honorary/ Guest Lecturer:
1. St. George College, Bangalore
2. Taha Education Society, Bangalore (UPSC Coaching Classes)
3. Vivekananda IAS Academy, Jayanagar (UPSC Coaching Classes)
4. Hasanath Degree College for Women, Bangalore.
Positions Held:
1. Chairman- BOE, Political Science, Bangalore University.
2. Chairman- BOE, Indian Constitution(2 times), Bangalore University.
3. Member- BOE, Political Science, Indian Constitution, Human Rights for 25 years, Bangalore University.
4. Member, Board of Studies, Bangalore University- 6 years.
5. Member, BOE (Political Science), Maharani Cluster University,Bangalore.
6. Member, BOE (Indian Constitution), NMKRV College, Bangalore.
7. N.C.C Officer (Gazetted), served as N.C.C. Officer holding the rank of Captain (Army Wing) for 17 years.
8. Scrutinizer/ Valuer K.P.S.C (Class I and II) Examination for 4 years. 9. Deputy Administrative Officer Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women Autonomous. Seminars/ Conferences Attended and Publications:
Participated in University/State/National level seminars and conferences and presented papers (65 times).
Published several articles in leading newspapers, journals and Periodicals.
1. Legal Advisor: Dr. Ambedkar School of Social Change
2. Joint Secretary: Bangalore University Political Science Teachers Association.
3. Vice- President: Karnataka State Political Science Teachers
4. Also served as Trustee Member/ Office Bearer of several organizations and N.G.O’s.
5. Permanent Member Kairali Niketan Education Trust Bangalore.
1) S.S.L.C: Hemambika Sanskrit High School, Palakkad, Kerala
2) P.U.C: Christ College, Bangalore
3) B.A: St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore
4) M.A.(Political Science): Bangalore University
5) LL.B: Bangalore University
6) M.Phil: Madurai Kamaraj University
7) M.B.A: S.S.University, Delhi
8) Awarded Doctorate from University of Delhi.
Professional Experience:
Worked as a Lecturer, Professor and Principal in various Aided and Government Colleges of Karnataka for 34 Years (Both Post Graduate and Under Graduate programs)
1) Dr. Ambedkar First Grade College, Bangalore.
2) National College, Gowribidanur.
3) Government First Grade College, Jayanagar.
4) Government First Grade Collge, Hoskote.
5) Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College, Bangalore.
Worked as Honorary/ Guest Lecturer:
1. St. George College, Bangalore
2. Taha Education Society, Bangalore (UPSC Coaching Classes)
3. Vivekananda IAS Academy, Jayanagar (UPSC Coaching Classes)
4. Hasanath Degree College for Women, Bangalore.
Positions Held:
1. Chairman- BOE, Political Science, Bangalore University.
2. Chairman- BOE, Indian Constitution(2 times), Bangalore University.
3. Member- BOE, Political Science, Indian Constitution, Human Rights for 25 years, Bangalore University.
4. Member, Board of Studies, Bangalore University- 6 years.
5. Member, BOE (Political Science), Maharani Cluster University,Bangalore.
6. Member, BOE (Indian Constitution), NMKRV College, Bangalore.
7. N.C.C Officer (Gazetted), served as N.C.C. Officer holding the rank of Captain (Army Wing) for 17 years.
8. Scrutinizer/ Valuer K.P.S.C (Class I and II) Examination for 4 years. 9. Deputy Administrative Officer Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women Autonomous. Seminars/ Conferences Attended and Publications:
Participated in University/State/National level seminars and conferences and presented papers (65 times).
Published several articles in leading newspapers, journals and Periodicals.
1. Legal Advisor: Dr. Ambedkar School of Social Change
2. Joint Secretary: Bangalore University Political Science Teachers Association.
3. Vice- President: Karnataka State Political Science Teachers
4. Also served as Trustee Member/ Office Bearer of several organizations and N.G.O’s.
5. Permanent Member Kairali Niketan Education Trust Bangalore.
Mrs. Prameela Bina
Assistant Professor
Mrs. Prameela Bina
Assistant Professor
Currently Placed as - Visiting Faculty at MSRF - RIBS (Ramaiah Institute of Business Studies ) handling BBA and MCom classes-English and Communication Skills
Also Earlier at MSRF
• Faculty- Handling Managerial Communication for MBA , University of Mysore Programme at RIMS and Additional English and General English at RIBS
• Handled all class sessions for the UG classes for RIFS
• Counsellor for RIMS and RIBS, Bangalore
Prior Experience : as Trainer at Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore
• Conducting training workshops on Soft skills and Language skills to faculty , post graduates and undergraduates under the DTSLD (Directorate for Training in SoftSkills and Leadership Development)
• Teaching Hospitality Communication , Communicative English and Additional English for the Faculty of Catering and Hospitality Management
• Teaching Technical Communication and Business Communication for the Faculty of Pharmacy
• Mentoring English Improvement Sessions for Students Weak in English and Communication
• Handling Soft Skills and Personality Development classes under the Personality Development Programme
• Drafting External Communication and Media Reports
Non – Academic Responsibilities
• Editor of Newsletter of the section of Ramaiah Institute of Business Studies for MSRF newsletter
• Admin of Ramaiah University Facebook Page
• Faculty Co–ordinator of University Newsletter, RUAS
• Heading ‘Club Literati’ the Language Club of the college MSRCHM
• Editor of College Magazine and Newsletter for FCHMT at Ramaiah University
• External Evaluation for M S Ramaiah Institution of Management Studies
• Headed Board of Syllabus –Formulated Syllabus for Hospitality Communication –Bangalore University –Year 2012
• Formulated Syllabus for Personality Development and Communicative English for Degree Courses – Kuvempu University, Karnataka
• Training Support Staff in Functional English
Highlights of Career
• Guest Speaker and conduct of Workshop On International Woman’s Day for all women employees of Ravindu Toyota , Bangalore
• Expert Speaker at National Webinar on “The Heart of Online Communication” organised by Ramaiah Institute of Business Studies .
• A Career spanning nearly 37 years teaching English language
• Freelance Resource Person and Facilitator -, conducting activities in Personality Development Sessions and English language skills
• Taught English as a Foreign Language in the Sultanate of Oman – Ministry of Education
Academic Qualifications
• A Facilitators’ Course in Leadership and Human Resource Development (FCLHRD) , from AIMS INSIGHT ,Mangalore , Karnataka - an Institution functioning in affiliation to the HRD Ministry , Delhi
• Post Graduate Diploma in English Teaching (PGDELT) at Regional Institute of English , South India (RIESI)
• M. A in English Literature from Bangalore University
• B. Ed. , a post graduate course in Education – Specialized in Methodology of Biological Sciences and English – MES Teachers Training College , Bangalore
• B. Sc. : Optional Subjects : Chemistry , Botany and Zoology – KLE College , Bangalore
• AIHSE : All India Higher Secondary Examination from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghatan , Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi
Personal Achievements / Skills
• Facilitating Soft skills , Communicative English and Business Communication
• Training for Interviews and Placements.
• Co-ordinating Group Activities of Youth – World Water Day –a street play , Flash Dance at Orion Mall on Independence Day
• Presented a paper titled “English and Foreign Languages– Challenges and Opportunities in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry” at a National Level Seminar conducted by FCHMT , Ramaiah University
Seminars and Workshops Attended
• Workshop on Neurolinguistic Programming at Sambhram College
• Workshops on ‘Handling Gen Next in Professional Colleges’ and ‘ Faculty Development – Mentoring Skills’ – conducted by Parimala Consultants , Bangalore
• Workshops on ‘Developing Poetry Skills’ and an ELT Workshop on ‘Teaching Vocabulary and Content and Language Integrated Learning’ at the British Council Library, Bangalore
• Workshop on ‘Appreciative Enquiry’ conducted by Prof. Anita Singh , M S Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
• Workshop on ‘Teacher Enhancement’ conducted by Parimala Consultants , Bangalore
• A workshop on Rapid Reading and Multiple Intelligences at KRITI Resource Group , Bangalore
• A ten-day workshop on ‘Education in Human Values’ at Satya Sai Institute , Puttaparthi on deputation from the K V Sanghatan, New Delhi
Personal Profile
• Nationality : Indian
• Date of Birth : 7th September 1955
• Hobbies and Interests : Pet care , Theatre , Poetry , Music ,Creative and Content Writing
• Languages Known : English , Hindi , Malayalam , Tamil, Kannada

Mrs. Chandrakala
Assistant Professor

Mrs. Chandrakala
Assistant Professor
No F- 5 PSR Pavallian,
1st Main Road, Hebbal,
BANGALORE - 560024
MB: 9880034547
DATE OF BIRTH : 18.12.1977
Non Teaching Staff

Ms. Swathi

Ms. Swathi

Mr. Shiva Prasad V.G
Assistant Librarian

Mr. Shiva Prasad V.G
Assistant Librarian

Mrs. Archana Srinivas
Student Co-ordinator

Mrs. Archana Srinivas
Student Co-ordinator

Mrs. Manjula
Student Co-ordinator

Mrs. Manjula
Student Co-ordinator

Ms. Sunitha
Student Co-ordinator

Ms. Sunitha
Student Co-ordinator